Blackhall & Pearl 63
Boards make their most important decisions in an environment that is inherently complex – to be effective, they must be well supported.

It is critical for Boards to receive the right information and support in a timely manner in order to be able to make the most critical decisions in an inherently complex and volatile environment.

Yet many company secretariat teams are inadequately resourced to meet workloads that are increasing due to the ever-expanding external pressures and demands.

Blackhall & Pearl Approach

Our deep experience across many organisations and industries enables us to effectively benchmark and optimise the performance of Company Secretariat teams. We also provide expert support to supplement existing resources, or where a full time resource is not justified.

Client Benefits

  • With our support, company secretariat operations are optimised.
  • We ensure the Board receives the information and support it needs to maximise its effectiveness.
  • We provide assurance that the minimum requirements are being met and directors are properly supported in fulfilling their responsibilities.