The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the organisational environment is escalating rapidly, although extracting measurable utility from AI business tools is not necessarily straightforward.
At Blackhall & Pearl, our AI model has been developed in conjunction with the leading global thinkers and academic researches in the field and has been trained and applied across numerous organisations. In particular, our AI model enhances workplace productivity, engagement, innovation, conduct and compliance.
The key difference of our AI model is the depth of its learning and the combination of social network structure, social network dynamics and content analysis. The latter is present in various AI tools, whereas social network structure/dynamics are often absent. This means that many AI tools are neglecting up to 66% of the information relevant to their objectives.
Our AI tool enables organisations to measure, predict and shape a number of behavioural factors including:
Our combined approach using both internal social networks and content analysis will:
The key benefits of our AI model include: